in the media.
Careers with Code - sharing the diversity in the profession
September 2018
Various figures and publications including Forbes, predict that the “cybersecurity skills shortage is exacerbating the number of data breaches,” with the top two contributing factors to security incidents being “a lack of adequate training of non-technical employees” (31%) first and “a lack of adequate cybersecurity staff (22%)”.
No matter which report you read, the shortage of critical cyber security skills is a global challenge. While we're at it, we need to reframe what we mean by cyber security skills and move fast away from the often used media image of ''Coca Cola drinking white male in a hoodie hunched over a keyboard + green screen". From that we can attract and retain incredible and diverse talent to manage the cyber risks, identify and protect against the complex threats and build security into our culture.... among other things.
Contributing to the Careers with Code magazine to inspire people to take up Cyber Security as a career, while showing the breadth of the domain and industry was a highlight. More needs to be done here.
Check out the extract for others that contributed their experiences.